Compliance Data

Since 2003, the Gibraltar Environmental Agency, on behalf of HM Government of Gibraltar has undertaken a compliance assessment in accordance with the European Air Quality Directives (2008/50/EC and 2004/107/EC) and formally reported to the European Commission’s Central Data Repository (CDR). Since leaving the European Union, Gibraltar remains closely aligned with the requirements and ambition of these Directives and continues to undertake this assessment annually. The purpose of the Assessment is to classify the territory against the Limit Values, Target Values and Long-term Objectives using high quality monitoring data. The assessment has been made using monitoring data from the Gibraltar Air Quality Monitoring Network. The most recently available network design (Monitoring Regime Assessment) report explains the methodology used to determine the monitoring configuration. The monitoring network is reviewed every 5-years (at a minimum) to ensure it meets the requirements and represents an up-to-date pollution climate of Gibraltar.

The purpose of this webpage is to provide a high-level summary of compliance against the individual pollutant metrics (summarised below). It includes:

  • a summary table of the relevant pollutant metrics and legislative thresholds
  • a compliance summary for all years to provide context over time (since 2005)
  • a repository for downloading the final XML (machine-readable) format compliance data files that were formerly submitted to the CDR. For submissions prior to 2020 please see the European Environment Agency website .
Pollutant Averaging Period Objective Objective Type


Annual mean

40 µg m-3

Limit Value


Hourly mean

200 µg m-3, 18 permitted exceedances each year

Limit Value


Hourly mean

350 µg m-3, with 24 permitted exceedances each year

Limit Value


24-hour mean

125 µg m-3, with 3 permitted exceedances each year

Limit Value


Annual mean

40 µg m-3

Limit Value


24-hour mean

50 µg m-3, with 35 permitted exceedances each year

Limit Value


Annual mean

20 µg m-3

Limit Value (stage 2 – came into force 01/01/2020)


Annual mean

5 µg m-3

Limit Value


maximum daily 8-hour mean

10 mg m-3

Limit Value


maximum daily 8-hour mean

120 µg m-3, not to be exceeded on more than 25 days per calendar year averaged over three years

Target Value


maximum daily 8-hour mean

120 µg m-3

Long Term Objective


Annual mean

6 ng m-3

Target Value


Annual mean

5 ng m-3

Target Value


Annual mean

20 ng m-3

Target Value


Annual mean

0.5 µg m-3

Limit Value

Benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P)

Annual mean

1 ng m-3

Target Value






Compliance over time

Pollutant 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023




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Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP)










= compliant

= compliant, after correction for natural sources (sea salt, African dust) applied

= compliant, resulting from higher threshold (Limit Value plus Margin of Tolerance, 60 µg m-3) for Time Extension period

 = non-compliant

Air Quality Compliance XML files

The download links below provide the XML files for Data flows B to G. The table below summarises the name and role of each data flow. For more comprehensive guidance on the architecture and content of these data flows please see the guidance document.

Data flow Title/Content Explanation
B Information on zones and agglomerations Zone geometry data, area, population
C Information on the assessment regime For each pollutant and metric, the measured and modelled data used in the assessment
D Information on the assessment method Meta information for measurements (site locations, distance from road, instrument details, analysis methodologies) and models (not produced for Gibraltar)
E1a Information on primary validated assessment data (measurements) Base concentration data at different time resolutions according to measurement method
E1b Information on primary validated assessment data (modelled)

Modelled background and roadside data.
Not produced for Gibraltar

E2a Information on primary up-to-date assessment data (measurements)

Near real-time data stream as it comes from the measurement instrument (prior to data QA/QC processes), intended to provide public information on current ambient levels.

G Information on the attainment of environmental objectives The declared compliance status of zones and agglomerations for each Limit Value, Target Value and Long-term Objective



















  • Note that Data flow F is not compiled by the reporting Member States but calculated centrally from Dataflow E1a by the European Environment Agency.
  • Note that annual modelling is not a component of Gibraltar’s compliance reporting approach so neither model metadata in Data flow D or Data flow E1b are provided for Gibraltar.

  • For data submissions prior to 2020, please see the European Environment Agency website.


Near real time data

2020 Download links

2021 Download links

2022 Download links

2023 Download links